Know how to maximize you production!
To produce resources, players must initiate a production cycle.
To start a production cycle, players must possess at least one Chainfield and one Spacecomb of the required level
Learn more about Chainfield and Spacecombs here.
To initiate a production cycle, players must follow these steps:
Select a Chainfield
Populate at least one Chainfield's slot with Spacecombs
Fill the Production Tank with input resources, if required
Apply Bonus
Start Production
Players can start a production by filling at least one Chainfield's slot. However, they will incur in a malus for each empty slot when the production starts.
Upon the completion of the production cycle, players can claim the generated resources and initiate a new one.
Levels & Slots Tip:
Chainfields possess from 1 to 4 Levels, with each Chainfield Level having from 1 to 4 slots
Spacecombs have Levels too: from 1 to 4
When Spacecomb Level exceeds the Chainfield Level, it cannot be placed withtin that Chainfield Level's slots.
Production Time Tip:
The duration of production is determined by the Chainfield, based on its max operating time.
The production cycle can be shorter than the Chainfield's max operating time under the following conditions:
Spacecomb Lifetime < Chainfield Max Operating Time
Input Resource Needed > Input Resource in the Production Tank
Production Time
The production cycle is measured in hours, with Spacecombs generating resources each hour.
Resources are claimable only at the end of the production. The effective production time is influenced by Chainfields, Spacecombs, and the Production Tank.
The maximum production time is dictated by the Chainfield's max operating time.
Example: Chainfield max operating time is 10 hours. The production can last up to 10 hours.
Spacecombs have a finite lifespan, and once that is reached, they become inoperative. If any Spacecomb within the Chainfield breaks, the production comes to a halt.
Example: Chainfield max operating time is 10 hours. One of the Spacecombs in the Chainfield has a lifetime of 5 hours. The production stops after 5 hours.
After a production is halted, players will be able to claim resources produced before the stop.
Production Tank:
Some Spacecombs within a Chainfield may require input resources to function.
In the game, a Production Tank is available for running productions that require input resources.
These input resources must be placed within the Production Tank before the production starts. Otherwise, the production will terminate prematurely.
Chainfield max operating time is 10 hours.
Spacecombs in the Chainfield have a lifetime of 10 hours.
One of the Spacecombs needs 10 Hyperium/h = 100 Hyperium to allow the production to run for the maximum of 10 hours guaranteed by the Chainfield.
I have 50 Hyperium in my Production Tank.
The production stops after 5 hours.
At the end of the production, any surplus resources in the Production Tank are added to the production output and can be claimed by the player. It's important to note that Production Tank resources are not influenced by bonus.
Resources Output of the previous Level are automatically allocated to satisfy nedded Resource Input of the next Levels. Example 1: Level 1 > x1 Spacecomb, Output: Novacomb 10/h Level 2> x1 Spacecombs, Input: Novacomb 12/h In this case, you will need to put only 2/h Novacomb in the production tank to maximize the production time. Example 2: Level 1 > x1 Spacecomb, Output: Novacomb 10/h Level 2> x1 Spacecombs, Input: Novacomb 5/h In this case no Novacomb are needed for the production tank, and 5 Novacomb/h are produced during the production. Example 3: Level 1 > x1 Spacecomb, Output: Novacomb 10/h Level 2> x1 Spacecomb, Input: Novacomb 5/h, Output: Hyperium 10/h Level 3> x1 Spacecomb, Input: Novacomb 6/h, Output: Oxenorite 10/h In this case, you will need to put only 1/h Novacomb in the production tank to maximize the production time.
Resources produced during the production cycle don't fill the Production Tank.
All this calculation are automatically made by the system and are always visibile during the setup in the Resume section 😉
Production Boosts
Players have the capability to enhance their productions through AI-generated events, Venue Sponsorships, ONI Boost, and AI events.
A single production cycle can be impacted by all three types of boosts concurrently.
AI Events
During each Combz Season, random AI generated events occur. These events can be resources production Bonus or Malus.
A same event could contain both a Bonus and a Malus, for one or more resources, Hon included.
Only productions that starts after the beginning of the event are affected by Bonus or Malus, or both.
Production Bonus and Malus are calculated with this formula:
Before Bonus Production Output: 1 Hyperium and 1 Hon
Ai Event: 10% malus on Hyperium and 10% bonus on Hon production
Production Output after Ai Event: 0.9 Hyperium and 1.1 Hon
Additionally, each AI event is accompanied by a narratively crafted AI-generated description.
Exceeding resources in the Production Tank are not affected by the boost
Venue Sponsorship
At Level 200, Venue owners unlock a new Venue Service: Combz Sponsorship.
Sponsorships allow players to boost their production of one or more resources for free. The Venue owners earn 1% of the total production after the player claim.
Venue owners 1% is not deducted from player's production.
A sponsorship has a max number of uses, after which it deactivates.
Whenever the Sponsorship is applied for a production, a use is counted.
This service is progressive and the final Venues Sponsorship can be unlocked at Level 600.
Are you a Venue Owner? Learn how to unlock Combz Sponsorships.
Exceeding resources in the Production Tank are not affected by the boost
Both Venue Sponsorship and ONI Boost are applied to individual Chainfield productions. If a player intends to run multiple Chainfield productions simultaneously, the bonuses must be applied to each Chainfield separately.
ONI Boost
Players can boost their production by using ONI. By doing that all the generated resources will be boosted, Hon included.
By using ONI players will be able to boost their production up to 50%.
Exceeding resources in the Production Tank are not affected by the boost
Both Venue Sponsorship and ONI Boost are applied to individual Chainfield productions. If a player intends to run multiple Chainfield productions simultaneously, the bonuses must be applied to each Chainfield separately.
How Boosts are calculated
Boost are calculated following this methodology.
First to apply are AI Events
Formula: before_bonus_production_output*bonus_malus_ai_event
Before Bonus Production Output: 1 Hyperium and 1 Hon
Ai Event: 10% malus on Hyperium and 10% bonus on Hon production
Production Output after Ai Event: 0.9 Hyperium and 1.1 Hon
Subsequently ONI & the Sponsorship boosts are applied, both to be calculated on the production output after AI Event and then summed up.
Formula: production_after_ai_event + (production_after_ai_eventoni_boost) + (production_after_ai_eventsponsorship)
Hyperium 0.9 + (0.045 ONI boost) + (0.063 sponsorship) = 1.008 Hyperium
Hon 1.1 + (0.055 ONi boost) + 0.077 = 1.232 Hon
Production End
At the end of each production cycle:
Players can claim resources
Venues owners receive their 1% of sponsorship.
One use is added to the Chainfield. When a Chainfield reaches the max number of uses, it requires repair. Know more here.
Spacecombs with lifetime 0 hours breaks. Broken Spacecombs cannot be repaired.
Last updated