Equipment List

Improve chances of earning SHING and NFTs

Brigade Equipment allow players to perform Volunteering tasks better and more efficiently. There are 6 rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic.

Each piece of Equipment has two main values: Power 👊 and Luck 🍀

Power 👊 Power increases Volunteers mining power during the execution of work to earn more SHING.

Luck 🍀 Luck increases the chance of winning NFTs from both the Brigade Daily Lottery and the Venues NFTs Lottery.

Players can blend to upgrade or improve the stats of their Equipment.

Players can upgrade their Equipment. This action can only be done inside Venue Labs. Requirements:

  • Equipment

  • Ta-cores

  • Crafting Items

  • SHING tokens

Players can Enhance to improve their Equipment stats. This action can only be done inside Venue Labs. Requirements:

  • One or more Equipment

  • Ta-cores

  • Crafting Items

  • SHING tokens

Full Series 1 Equipment List

Buying Equipment

Equipment is available from either Brigade Packs or individually on the Secondary Marketplace.

There are 4 different Brigade packs available, here are the contents and opening percentages:

  • Single Pack - Contain 1 Equipment

  • Small Pack - Contains 2 Equipment

  • Big Pack - Contains 3 Equipment

  • Whale Pack - Contains 7 Equipment

Packs Rarity Odds Scheme:

Taco Universe Packs:

Brigade Equipment can also be found inside Taco Universe Packs. Taco Universe Packs can be obtained from Acryptia's Season Rewards, or in the Taco Universe Season Pass.

Series 2 Equipment

Series 2 Equipment is going to be released for the first Brigade expansion.

Series 2 Equipment Values:

The Pace value affects the number of works that can be executed by a player, and also affect Brigade Arena PvP battles.

Last updated