
Your Combz Missions Spaceships

Hexplorers are Spaceships that can be launched in the space.

They have a specific amount of HP based on their rarity.

While they are out in the space they receive damage. The longer the mission, the more potential damage can be received by the Hexplorer.

Its HP can be restored using Oxenorite, a Legacy resource.

Each Hexplorer has up to 4 areas in which Components can be applies: Cockpit, Bridge, Engines and Wings. Each area has an amount of slots in which Components can be applied. The rarer the Hexplorer, the more slots it will likely have.

By clicking on a Hexplorer, players can start a Mission. In order to start it, players need also Components. See more info here.

Hexplorers can start a Mission also without max HP.

Broken Hexplorers must be repaired with Oxenorite, a Legacy resource, in order to start new Missions or be unstaked. Whenever Hexplorers HP are restored, they are restored to the max.

There is no limit on the quantity of Hexplorers and Components a player can possess.

List of Released Hexplorers

Last updated