Spacecombs generate resources when placed inside Chainfields
Spacecombs are the NFTs which produce resources every hour, when placed into a Chainfield.
Players need at least one Spacecomb of the required level to start a production.
Players can start a production by filling at least one Chainfield's slot. However, they will incur in a malus for each empty slot when the production starts.
They have a rarity which goes from Common to Mythic. Rarity affects:
Resources Production (rarer produce more)
Lifespan (rare have longer lifespan)
They also have Levels, from 1 to 4. Levels affect:
Resource Production (higher produce more)
S1 Spacecombs Lifetime Index:
Lifetime (h) | |
Common | 144 |
Uncommon | 168 |
Rare | 192 |
Epic | 240 |
Legendary | 288 |
Mythic | 384 |
Levels determine where Spacecombs can be positioned.
A Spacecomb cannot be inserted into a slot within a Chainfield Level if its own Level surpasses that of the Chainfield Level.
Recast (Level Up/Down)
Spacecombs can be levelled up or levelled down within the Venue Lab.
To level up/down a player needs:
1 Spacecomb
1 Crafting Item of the same rarity of the Spacecomb
The result will always give a random Spacecomb of the same rarity, but of a different level (one level more for level ups, one level less for level downs) between the available templates.
The level might skip when there aren't templates available. Example:
Legendary Spacecombs are currently only of Level 2 and 4.
Levelling Up Legendary Spacecombs will lead always to a Level 4 Spacecomb
Levelling Down Legendary Spacecombs will lead always to a Level 2 Spacecomb
Spacecombs must be staked to be used within the game.
They can't be unstaked. Once a Spacecomb is staked the NFT gets burned.
Spacecombs bought through the Shop are sent to the player's wallet.
Released Spacecombs
Following the list of all the Spacecombs released so far:
Name | Rarity | Level | Input/h | Resource (Input) | Output/h | Resource (Output) | Lifetime (h) | Version |
C1-H | Common | 1 | 10 | Hyperium | 144 | 0 | ||
C1-O | Common | 1 | 10 | Oxenorite | 144 | 0 | ||
C1-N | Common | 1 | 10 | Novacomb | 144 | 0 | ||
C1-H | Common | 1 | 8 | Hyperium | 144 | 3 | ||
C1-N | Common | 1 | 8 | Novacomb | 144 | 3 | ||
C1-N-H | Common | 1 | 10 | Novacomb | 10 | Hyperium | 144 | 1 |
C1-N-O | Common | 1 | 10 | Novacomb | 10 | Oxenorite | 144 | 1 |
C1-O-N | Common | 1 | 10 | Oxenorite | 10 | Novacomb | 144 | 1 |
C1-H-O | Common | 1 | 10 | Hyperium | 10 | Oxenorite | 144 | 1 |
C1-H-HON | Common | 1 | 5 | Hyperium | 15 | Hon | 144 | 1 |
C2-O-H | Common | 2 | 5 | Oxenorite | 19 | Hyperium | 144 | 0 |
C2-N-O | Common | 2 | 12 | Novacomb | 26 | Oxenorite | 144 | 0 |
C2-O-HON | Common | 2 | 24 | Oxenorite | 38 | Hon | 144 | 0 |
C2-N-HON | Common | 2 | 18 | Novacomb | 32 | Hon | 144 | 2 |
C2-H-O | Common | 2 | 7 | Hyperium | 17 | Oxenorite | 144 | 3 |
C2-O-N | Common | 2 | 14 | Oxenorite | 24 | Novacomb | 144 | 3 |
C3-N-H | Common | 3 | 5 | Novacomb | 25 | Hyperium | 144 | 0 |
C3-H-O | Common | 3 | 2 | Hyperium | 22 | Oxenorite | 144 | 0 |
C3-O-N | Common | 3 | 15 | Oxenorite | 35 | Novacomb | 144 | 0 |
C3-O-HON | Common | 3 | 20 | Oxenorite | 34 | Hon | 144 | 3 |
C4-N-H | Common | 4 | 36 | Novacomb | 63 | Hyperium | 144 | 0 |
C4-N-HON | Common | 4 | 15 | Novacomb | 42 | Hon | 144 | 0 |
C4-O-HON | Common | 4 | 23 | Oxenorite | 50 | Hon | 144 | 2 |
C4-H-HON | Common | 4 | 20 | Hyperium | 47 | Hon | 144 | 1 |
C4-H-N | Common | 4 | 35 | Hyperium | 56 | Novacomb | 144 | 3 |
U1-H | Uncommon | 1 | 20 | Hyperium | 168 | 0 | ||
U1-N | Uncommon | 1 | 20 | Novacomb | 168 | 1 | ||
U1-O | Uncommon | 1 | 20 | Oxenorite | 168 | 0 | ||
U1-O | Uncommon | 1 | 16 | Oxenorite | 168 | 3 | ||
U2-N-H | Uncommon | 2 | 10 | Novacomb | 38 | Hyperium | 168 | 0 |
U2-O-N | Uncommon | 2 | 29 | Oxenorite | 57 | Novacomb | 168 | 0 |
U2-O-HON | Uncommon | 2 | 38 | Oxenorite | 66 | Hon | 168 | 0 |
U2-N-HON | Uncommon | 2 | 20 | Novacomb | 48 | Hon | 168 | 2 |
U2-O-H | Uncommon | 2 | 12 | Oxenorite | 32 | Hyperium | 168 | 3 |
U2-H-N | Uncommon | 2 | 18 | Hyperium | 38 | Novacomb | 168 | 3 |
U3-H-O | Uncommon | 4 | 40 | Hyperium | 79 | Oxenorite | 168 | 1 |
U3-N-HON | Uncommon | 3 | 32 | Novacomb | 71 | Hon | 168 | 0 |
U3-N-O | Uncommon | 3 | 43 | Novacomb | 68 | Oxenorite | 168 | 3 |
U4-O-H | Uncommon | 3 | 12 | Oxenorite | 67 | Hyperium | 168 | 1 |
U4-H-HON | Uncommon | 4 | 44 | Hyperium | 99 | Hon | 168 | 1 |
U4-N-O | Uncommon | 4 | 5 | Novacomb | 60 | Oxenorite | 168 | 0 |
U4-O-HON | Uncommon | 4 | 49 | Oxenorite | 84 | Hon | 168 | 3 |
R1-H | Rare | 1 | 30 | Hyperium | 192 | 0 | ||
R1-N | Rare | 1 | 30 | Novacomb | 192 | 0 | ||
R1-O | Rare | 1 | 30 | Oxenorite | 192 | 1 | ||
R1-H | Rare | 1 | 24 | Hyperium | 192 | 3 | ||
R2-H-HON | Rare | 2 | 22 | Hyperium | 64 | Hon | 192 | 0 |
R2-O-H | Rare | 2 | 9 | Oxenorite | 51 | Hyperium | 192 | 1 |
R2-H-O | Rare | 2 | 19 | Hyperium | 49 | Oxenorite | 192 | 3 |
R3-H | Rare | 3 | 59 | Hyperium | 192 | 0 | ||
R3-N-HON | Rare | 3 | 42 | Novacomb | 81 | Hon | 192 | 3 |
R4-N-O | Rare | 4 | 60 | Novacomb | 142 | Oxenorite | 192 | 1 |
R4-N-HON | Rare | 4 | 57 | Novacomb | 139 | Hon | 192 | 0 |
R4-O-N | Rare | 4 | 70 | Oxenorite | 123 | Novacomb | 192 | 3 |
E1-H | Epic | 1 | 45 | Hyperium | 240 | 0 | ||
E1-O | Epic | 1 | 45 | Oxenorite | 240 | 1 | ||
E1-N | Epic | 1 | 45 | Novacomb | 240 | 1 | ||
E1-H-N | Epic | 1 | 5 | Hyperium | 40 | Novacomb | 240 | 3 |
E2-O-N | Epic | 2 | 60 | Oxenorite | 123 | Novacomb | 240 | 0 |
E2-N-HON | Epic | 2 | 24 | Novacomb | 87 | Hon | 240 | 0 |
E2-N-H | Epic | 2 | 32 | Novacomb | 75 | Hyperium | 240 | 3 |
E3-O-HON | Epic | 3 | 85 | Oxenorite | 173 | Hon | 240 | 0 |
E3-N-O | Epic | 3 | 30 | Novacomb | 115 | Oxenorite | 240 | 0 |
E3-O-N | Epic | 3 | 73 | Oxenorite | 131 | Novacomb | 240 | 3 |
E4-H-N | Epic | 4 | 34 | Hyperium | 157 | Novacomb | 240 | 0 |
E4-O-HON | Epic | 4 | 82 | Oxenorite | 165 | Hon | 240 | 3 |
L1-O | Legendary | 1 | 84 | Oxenorite | 288 | 1 | ||
L1-N | Legendary | 1 | 70 | Novacomb | 288 | 3 | ||
L2-O-H | Legendary | 2 | 1 | Oxenorite | 85 | Hyperium | 288 | 0 |
L2-N-HON | Legendary | 2 | 89 | Novacomb | 173 | Hon | 288 | 0 |
L2-O-HON | Legendary | 2 | 63 | Oxenorite | 127 | Hon | 288 | 3 |
L3-N-O | Legendary | 3 | 42 | Novacomb | 159 | Oxenorite | 288 | 1 |
L3-O-H | Legendary | 3 | 51 | Oxenorite | 138 | Hyperium | 288 | 3 |
L4-O-HON | Legendary | 4 | 150 | Oxenorite | 300 | Hon | 288 | 1 |
L4-O-N | Legendary | 4 | 80 | Oxenorite | 245 | Novacomb | 288 | 0 |
L4-H-N | Legendary | 4 | 97 | Hyperium | 222 | Novacomb | 288 | 3 |
M1-HON | Mythic | 1 | 75 | Hon | 384 | 0 | ||
M2-H-HON | Mythic | 2 | 96 | Hyperium | 201 | Hon | 384 | 1 |
M2-O-HON | Mythic | 2 | 80 | Oxenorite | 165 | Hon | 384 | 3 |
M3-O-HON | Mythic | 3 | 120 | Oxenorite | 267 | Hon | 384 | 0 |
M3-N-HON | Mythic | 4 | 135 | Novacomb | 282 | Hon | 384 | 2 |
M4-O-HON | Mythic | 4 | 198 | Oxenorite | 404 | Hon | 384 | 0 |
M4-H-HON | Mythic | 4 | 150 | Hyperium | 316 | Hon | 384 | 3 |
Spacecombs Distribution. Spacecombs will be distributed through:
Combz Redeem Token
Players can blend Combz Redeem Tokens with any Crafting Items and receive a Spacecombs.
Blend odds scheme: can be found in the blend link.
Blend will be available after the game launch
Last updated